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About US

To assist creators with originality and help their creative imagination enter the market, the “Songyan Creative Hub” was founded on the second floor of the South Tobacco Factory for individuals, workshops, brand designers and other cultural creative workers. With this space for creative interaction and resource chain for providing assistance in coordination with operation items such as event curation and international exchange, we hope to strengthen their competitiveness to create the clustering of creative industry, thus making the “Songshan Cultural and Creative Park” and international cultural creative cluster.

  • Resources
    and Links

    Cooperation for Development

    Craftsmen Tutorials

    Equipment Cooperation

    New Technique Experiment

  • Assistance
    and Services


    Intellectual Property and Patents

    Investment and Matching

    Information Exchange

  • Event


    International Exhibition


    Aesthetics Class

    Creator Exchange

  • International Exchange

    International Channels Cooperation

    Technology Exchange

    International Conference

    Cooperation Matching

Site Features

Introduction to Tools
and Equipment

Provides professional tools for woodworking, metalworking, pottery, weaving and other crafts for creators to carry out creative development and practice and can be used in coordination with workshops.

Woodwork Metalwork Weaving Pottery Digital
Basic woodwork tools
Circular saw machine
Band saw machine
Scroll saw machine
Brazing machine
Woodworking lathe
Automatic surfacer
Woodwork carving machine
Basic jewelry tools
Buffing wheel
Metal character carver
Magnetic needle polishing machine
Ultrasonic cleaner
Basic weaving tools
Sewing machine
Basic pottery tools
Clay molding machine
Side-open electronic kiln
Professional drawing computer
CNC cutter
3D printer
Hardened plain publisher
Computer-aided character carver
Laser carving machine
Basic woodwork tools

Circular saw machine

Band saw machine

Scroll saw machine



Brazing machine

Woodworking lathe

Automatic surfacer

Woodwork carving machine
Basic jewelry tools

Buffing wheel

Metal character carver

Magnetic needle polishing machine

Ultrasonic cleaner
Basic weaving tools

Sewing machine
Basic pottery tools

Clay molding machine

Side-open electronic kiln
Professional drawing computer

CNC cutter

3D printer

Hardened plain publisher

Computer-aided character carver

Laser carving machine

◎ Members should take part in the “Tools and Equipment Education and Training Course” held by the Songyan Creative Hub and pass the operation tests held by the course before gaining access to use related equipment in designated time periods.